Crofton Early Learners


An Outstanding Provider since 2007


Ginia Brown

Preschool Leader/Manager

Tel: 07706708211

9.00 am - 4.00 pm (Mon-Fri)

Crofton Early Learners – We were awarded “Outstanding” in all areas of Ofsted Report on January 2020.
(Outstanding grade retained from 2007) Download our Ofsted Report here.

Crofton Early Learners Preschool Free Offer & charges for additional time and/or consumables

All settings registered to accept government funding must have a free offer for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.

Crofton Early Learners’ Offer is:

Funded Places for 2, 3 & 4 year old funding

2 year old funding
and 2 year working free childcare

3 & 4 Universal
15 hours (eligible to all from term after child’s 3rd birthday)

30 hours free childcare (working parents)

Free Offer – available Monday to Friday & 37 weeks of the year (with 2 half days,
am only)

9am –12pm/1pm– 4pm

Any 5 mornings or afternoons.

2 whole days and one morning with the additional payments of lunch time sessions.

2 year olds who do not attract funding, each session is charged at £19.80

Alternatively, your child can leave after the morning session at 12pm and return for the afternoon session at 1pm.

9am–12pm/1pm – 4pm

Any 5 mornings or afternoons.

2 whole days and one morning with the additional payment of lunch time sessions.

Alternatively, your child can leave after the morning session at 12pm and return for the afternoon session at 1pm.

9am – 4pm

Between 12pm-1pm your child can stay for lunch time club at a cost of £6.60

Alternatively, your child can leave after the morning session at 12pm and return for the afternoon session at 1pm.


Consumables such as morning snack

No charge

No charge

No charge 

Lunch club


Standard Day Rate

9am – 4pm = £46.20


Your eligibility depends on:

    • you earn more than the equivalent of 16 hours at the national living wage or minimum wage per week: for example, over the next three months you expect to earn at least £1,813.76 – the National Living Wage if you are 25 or older.
    • your child’s age and circumstances
    • your immigration status


    • You earn less than £100,000 per year.

You can get 30 hours free childcare at the same time as claiming Universal Credit, tax credits, childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare.

You can apply for both the 30-hour offer and tax-free childcare via a single application on

How does it work?

    • Some two-year olds are entitled to 570 hours of funded early education and childcare per year
    • This is usually known as 15 hours funding because children can have a maximum of 15 hours per week over the school year (38 weeks)
    • However, you can access the 570 hours over any number of weeks, between 38 and 52 weeks. You could use less hours over more weeks if you wish to or use the maximum 15 hours over term time weeks only.

Have you received a golden ticket?

    • If you receive a golden ticket you are entitled to 2-year-old funding!
    • All you need to do is take your golden ticket to your chosen provider and arrange a place for your 2-year-old
    • Your ticket has a code unique to you on it so can only be redeemed by you
    • If you haven’t received a golden ticket but believe you are eligible, your provider can still check for you

Did you know?

    • Children who are eligible for the 2 year old funding, get to keep the it right up to when they can claim 3&4 year old year funding
    • Your child does not have to use the full 15 hours – they can use as many or as little as you wish

Important to know

    • Eligible children can claim the term after they turn 2
    • Term start dates are 1 September, 1 January and 1 April

When to apply

We suggest that you apply during the term that your child turns 2, so that they can start claiming the term after their birthday

When your child turns 2

When to apply for 15 hours

When your child can start using 15 hours

Between 1 January and 31 March

Between 1 January and 31 March

1 April – start of summer term

Between 1 April and 31 August

Between 1 April and 31 August

1 September – start of autumn term

Between 1 September and 31 December

Between 1 September and 31 December

1 January – start of spring term

How to apply

    • You may have received a golden ticket – if you did, you are automatically eligible
    • Speak to your chosen provider, they can check your eligibility by adding your child to our system

Apply online using the Bromley eligibility checker. You will be given a code, take this code to your provider

Claiming the new 15 hours of free childcare for 2 year olds

If you’re in work you might be able to get 15 hours of funded childcare a week from 1 April 2024 – this is often called ‘free hours’. If you’re in a couple you both need to be working.


You can usually get 15 hours of funded childcare if both the following apply:


    • your child is 2 years old or will turn 2 years old before 1 April 2024
    • you earn at least £8,670 a year and less than £100,000 a year adjusted net income, which is your income after some tax reliefs and deductions

If you’re a couple, you’ll both need to earn between these amounts.

If you already get 15 funded hours of childcare from the government you can’t get these hours as well.

You can get the 15 hours of funded childcare at the same time as using Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit for childcare.
If you’re eligible you’ll get 15 hours of funded childcare the term after your child turns 2 years old.