Crofton Early Learners


An Outstanding Provider since 2007


Ginia Brown

Preschool Leader/Manager

Tel: 07706708211

9.00 am - 4.00 pm (Mon-Fri)

Crofton Early Learners – We were awarded “Outstanding” in all areas of Ofsted Report on January 2020.
(Outstanding grade retained from 2007) Download our Ofsted Report here.

About Us


Crofton AimOur aim is to provide a happy and caring Christian environment in which children can grow in confidence and social skills and learn through play planned in accordance with nationally approved learning outcomes.


We want the children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents, to learn to recognise other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship and to be able to share with their parents afterwards the new learning experiences enjoyed at pre-school.


We believe that parents are the most important educators of their young children and our aim is to support them in this, consulting and involving them in all stages of their child’s stay with us.

Equal Opportunities

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice. All children will be treated with equal respect and consideration, taking into account their gender, cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds, as well as disability.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Crofton Early Learners aims to have regard to the DFEE Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs, and to provide a welcome and appropriate learning opportunities for all children.

Where we have the facilities and support to provide effectively for a child with SEN, we will treat the application for admission as for any child.

One member of staff is responsible for SEN, although all staff are involved in the identification and assessment of special needs.

Staffing Ratios

At Crofton Early Learners, our ratio of staff to children is above that required. Every morning we have a minimum of three qualified Level 3/4/EYT members of staff. All members of staff at Crofton Early Learners are Level 3 trained, or are currently in training. 


One member of staff holds Early Years Teacher status (Level 7) and one at Level 4.  All staff hold First Aid certificates and are DBS checked.


Staff attend training courses as and when necessary and are constantly updating their training.

Premises and Equipment

Crofton Early Learners meets in a large, bright hall, which has easy access to toilet facilities. We have the use of a smaller side room and modern kitchen, including an oven, for cooking activities. (No children are allowed into the kitchen area.)

We also have the use of a secure adjacent garden and use of a secure concreted area during the winter months.

We use a wide range of equipment to implement our learning programme. Some activities pursued can be `messy`, e.g. painting, playdough, water and sand play, gloop, shaving foam, cooking etc. Aprons are provided as appropriate.

Crofton Early Learners is proud of the good standard of appearance of the children and our uniform is kept bright, simple and as practical as possible. We sell “Crofton Early Learners” sweatshirts and polo shirts. Current prices and orders can be supplied by the Leader.

Key Person

On entry to Early Learners children are allocated a `key person` (member of staff) who will take a particular interest in their development and maintain links with parents, working with them to ensure that the children are supported in reaching their full potential. Children are regularly recorded in all areas of activity. This information is recorded into their own individual “profile” which will then go onto school with them when they leave. Parents will be required to read these profiles and add their own comments before they transfer on to the school.

We use an online journal called “Tapestry” which allows parents access to regularly updated observations and photographs of your child and twice yearly reports on progress. Here you can also make comments, ask questions relating to observations. Reports can be downloaded.

Membership to The Early Years Alliance

Crofton Early Learners is a member of the Early Years Alliance, further details of which can be obtained from:

Early Years Alliance
National Centre

50 Featherstone Street
London EC1Y 8RT
0207 697 2500
Cookies and Privacy | Charity Number: 1119285

South Division Head Office

020 7697 2599

Chair of Trustees - Dr. Cath Jenson